Children’s Harbor keeps children safe by improving the stability of their home lives. Our Family Support Counselors provide intensive in-home services, counseling and case management to families across Broward County.

Stress impacts and often overwhelms. Families all across Broward struggle with the unexpected challenges that life throws at them. For 25 years, our Family Support Counselors have been helping families heal through the unexpected challenges of life.

In October 2019, we expanded our services to include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy so we could provide more intensive therapeutic services to our families.

We are here to help

How We Help

Serving families for an average of four to six months, our team meets with each family on a weekly basis to provide counseling, teach parenting skills and connect them to additional resources in the community.

  • 34% of our families have two parents living in the home.
  • 44% of our families are single-parent homes.
  • 27% of our families report an annual household income of $50,000 to $100,000.


    The family must

    • Reside in Broward County
    • Have children between 0 and 17 years old living in the home
    • Have an active and participating parent/guardian
    • Families must demonstrate at least three of the 14 risk factors (as indicated on the referral form).

    For more information, to set up an appointment, or for a referral form, contact the Administrative Assistant at (954) 252-3072, ext. 203, or fax the referral form to (954) 252-0738

    This program is funded by the Children’s Services of Broward County.

    Children Service Council